Tuesday, September 23, 2008

WHAT IS AMALAKI (om-a-lock-ie)?

The story goes that CEO, Bill Farley had an interest in bringing a new product to the masses & was extremely interested in the nutrition industry, as health & wellness is an integral aspect of his life. With this interest, he solicited advice from his long-time friend, Dr. Deepak Chopra, known worldwide for his knowledge & wisdom of Ayurveda & teachings on living in abundance. Bill Farley asked Dr. Chopra if there was one thing, one ingredient, fruit, herb or botanical that the world should know about. Dr. Chopra informed Mr. Farley that is was AMALAKI.

AMALAKI is the Sanskrit word for the Indian Gooseberry. It has been called "the Great Rejuvenator," "the Nurse," and "the Fruit of Immortality." It is the core ingredient to the practice of Ayurveda, which is a medicinal science based in India dating back 5000 years. Ayurveda, known as "the Science of Life," is a way of living where an individual is in perfect harmony with every aspect of their life, physically, mentally, emotionally, & spiritually.

Amalaki is grown at the base of the Himalayan mountain range where there is the cleanest air, water & soil. The fruit is wildcrafted, grown & harvested according to natural Ayurvedic guidelines in order to maximize the fruit's potential.
Benefits of Amalaki are as follows:
* increases vitality & energy
* acts as natural anti-inflammatory
* regulates blood sugars
* promotes healthier heart function
* soothes/protects tissues of the digestive tract; good for gastritis, colitis, ulcers, heartburn & acid reflux
* detoxifies body by purifying blood & supporting healthy regular elimination
* promotes clarity of mind
* metabolic enhancer
* supports healthy cholesterol
* reduces wrinkles
* one of the richest sources of Vitamin C in the world
* fights tuberculosis & chronic cough as well as allergies & childhood asthma
* increases red blood cell count & blood circulation
* cleanses mouth & strengthens teeth
* nourishes the bones
* improves eyesight
* instills a sense of calmness & suppresses mental tension
* skin & hair elixir; promotes nail growth

Amalaki is the core ingredient in Zrii. It is synergistically blended with six other herbs & botanicals to bring out the fullest potency of each ingredient. The other ingredients of Zrii are: ginger, jujube, schizandra, haritaki, turmeric, & tulsi. Zrii is an all-natural product, formulated with Ayurvedic guidelines, earning the endorsement of the Chopra Center for Wellbeing.

The formulators of Zrii have this to say about amalaki:

"Amalaki is an interesting fruit because we now see modern science substantiating ancient wisdom. We see amalaki being widely studied in modern nutritional science." - Dr. Thomas Yarema

"Science is beginning to substantiate what the ancients have known for centuries." - Ayurvedic Practitioner Daniel Rhoda, DAS

"Amalaki is meant for rebuilding & restructuring the fabric of the human body & consciousness. Very few foods are good for the mind & body & spirit. Amalaki summarizes all three of these realms of human existence." - Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar

Rejuvenate your being with Amalaki! Increase your vitality, your energy, give yourself clarity of mind, abundant health!

For more information, go to http://www.jules.restoringyouryouth.com/.